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On the Future of Wagnerism
Art, Intoxication, Addiction, Codependence and Recovery
Available on Amazon
On The Future of Wagnerism: Art, Intoxication, Addiction, Codependence and Recovery is the sequel to Lawrence Mass’s memoir, Confessions of a Jewish Wagnerite: Being Gay and Jewish in America . Together, they form a narrative of consciousness and experience in the author’s life as a gay Jewish man, as a physician, and as a writer. Via the trajectory of his own struggles with and specialist work in addiction, Mass explores interfaces of culture, social tolerance, health and spirituality. How do such seemingly disparate phenomena as Wagnerism and AIDS, and such different figures as Richard Wagner and Larry Kramer, come to reflect on one another and the ways we live now? As we attempt to navigate an uncertain course in our voyage forward, On the Future of Wagnerism inspires us to glimpse broadening horizons.
Wagner Family Members The Wagner Operas Bibliography Filmography Names and Subjects
Wagner Family Members
Wagner, Cosima
Wagner, Eva Pasquier
Wagner, Friedelind
Wagner, Gottfried
Wagner, Katharina
Wagner, Nike
Wagner, Richard
Wagner, Siegfried
Wagner, Verena
Wagner, Wieland
Wagner, Winifred
Wagner, Wolfgang
The Wagner Operas
Die Feen
Das Liebersverbot
Der Fliegende Holländer
Der Ring des Nibelungen:
Das Rheingold
Die Walküre
Die Götterdämmerung
Tristan und Isolde
Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg
Other Operas, Operettas and Musicals Referenced
A Quiet Place
Andrea Chenier
Der Kaiser Von Atlantis
Der Rosenkavalier
Dido and Aeneas
Die Ferne Klang
Die Frau Ohne Shatten
Die Zauberflöte
Don Giovanni
Dr. Atomic
Ghosts of Versailles
Hansel Und Gretel
Hello Dolly
I Capuletti Ed I Montecchi
I Pagliacci
King Lear
La Boheme
La Clemenza Di Tito
La Traviata
Les Hugenots
Madama Butterfly
Marriage of Figaro
Moses in Egypt
Nixon in China
Porgy and Bess
Prince Igor
Queen of Sheba
Roberto Devereux
Roxy and Her Miracle Team
Francois D’assisi
the Love for Three Oranges
West Side Story
Wagner Characters Referenced
Hans Sachs
the Wanderer
Mass Family Members Referenced
Lockwood, Larry
Lockwood, Max (Alex)
Mass, Dr. Max
Mass, Ellen Bonnie
Mass, Lawrence (Larry) David
Mass, Mignon Masha Segal Thorpe
Mass, Stephen (Steve) Arnold
Bibliography (Books Referenced)
12 Steps and 12 Traditions (Alcoholics Anonymous)
A Boy’s Own Story by Edmund White
A Farewell Symphony by Edmund White
Age of Anger: A History of the Present by Pankaj Mishra
Alcoholics Anonymous 4th Edition, the “Big Book” Basic Text of Alcoholics Anonymous
Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll
American Women Conservationists by Madelyn Holmes
And the Band Played on by Randy Shilts
Andrea Dworkin by Martin Duberman
Arthur Schnitzler and the Crisis of Musical Culture by Marc A. Weiner
Banned from California by Robert C. Steele
Being Wagner by Simon Callow
Black Mountain by Martin Duberman
Bleak House by Charles Dickens
Calle Cervantes (Cervantes Street) by Jaime Manrique
Candide by Voltaire
Celluloid Activist by Michael Schiavi
Confessions of a Jewish Wagnerite: Being Gay and Jewish in America by Lawrence D. Mass
Cures by Martin Duberman
Daniel Deronda by George Eliot
Death in Venice by Thomas Mann
Diaries, Cosima Wagner
Dietrich & Riefenstahl: Hollywood, Berlin and a Century in Two Lives by Karin Wieland
Faustus by Thomas Mann
Eichmann in Jerusalem by Hannah Arendt
Envy and Greed by Melanie Klein
Faggots by Larry Kramer
Gay Plays: The First Collection by William M. Hoffman
Gender and Sex in Society by Lucile Duberman
Germans and Jews After 1945: Family History, Holocaust and New Begininings, Abraham Peck and Gottfried Wagner
Glitter and Be Gay by Kevin Clark
Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
Has the Gay Movement Failed by Martin Duberman
He Who Does Not Howl with the Wolf by Gottfried Wagner
Heritage of Fire by Friedelind Wagner
Hidden from History by Martin Duberman
Hold Tight Gently: Michael Callen, Essex Hemphill and the Battlefield of Aids by Martin Duberman
Homosexualities by Alan P. Bell and Martin S. Weinberg
how to Have Sex in an Epidemic by Michael Callen and Richard Berkowitz
how to Survive a Plague by David France
Jews Queers Germans by Martin Duberman
Latin Moon in Manhattan by Jaime Manrique
Lazy Liza Lizard by Marie Curtis Rains
Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman
Like This Afternoon Forever by Jaime Manrique
Lincoln by Gore Vidal
Lincoln Kirstein by Martin Duberman
Maria Callas: Woman Behind the Legend by Ariana Stassinopoulous
Mawrdew Czgowchwc by James Mccourt
Mississippi Sissy by Kevin Sessums
Mother Earth by Martin Duberman
My Father and Myself by J.r. Ackerly
Myra Breckenridge by Gore Vidal
Myth of the Negro Past by Melville J. Herskovits
New Japanese Voices: The Best Contemporary Fiction from Japan (edited by Helen Mitsios)
On Drinking by Charles Bukowski
One of Ours by Willa Cather
Opera as Opera by Conrad L. Osborne
Our Lives Are the Rivers by Jaime Manrique
Paul Robeson by Martin Duberman
Rat Bohemia by Sarah Schulman
Reports from the Holocaust by Larry Kramer
Rhapsody by Arthur Schnitzler
Richard Wagner for the New Millenium, Anthology
Sexual Ecology by Gabriel Rotello
Sexual Politics by Kate Millett
Sins of Our Fathers by David France
Steppenwolf by Herman Hesse
Stonewall by Martin Duberman
Taking Liberties: Gay Men’s Essays on Politics, Culture and Sex, Edited by Michael Bronski
Tchaikovsky: Quest for the Inner Man, by Alexander Poznansky
American Opera Singer (The) by Peter G. Davis
American People, (The) Volumes 1 and 2 by Larry Kramer
Beautiful Room Is Empty (The) by Edmund White
Bridges at Toko Ri (The) by James Michener
Celluloid Closet by (The) Vito Russo
Confession (The) by David France
Crisis of Multiculturalism in Europe (The) by Rita Chin
Death of Feminism (The) by Phyllis Chesler
Geography of Shame (The) by Maryann Feola
Help (The) by Kathryn Stockett
Holocaust and History (The) by Abraham Peck
Jungle Book (The) by Rudyard Kipling
Kids’ Book of Death and Dying Edited (The) by Eric Rofes
Life of Mussolini (The) by Margherita Grassini Sarfatti
Lost Childhood (The) by Yehuda Nir
Man without Qualities (The) by Robert Musil
Mudd Club (The) by Richard Boch
New Anti-semitism (The) by Phyllis Chesler
Nuremberg Rallies (The) by Andrew Rawson
Oxford History of Western Music (The) by Richard Taruskin
Perfect Wagnerite (The) by George Bernard Shaw
Queen’s Throat (The) by Wayne Koestenbaum
Remembered and Forgotten Jewish World (The) by Daniel Walkowitz
Rest of It (The) by Martin Duberman
Road Into the Open (The) by Arthur Schnitzler
Sexual Revolution (The) by Wilhelm Reich
Souls of Black Folks (The) by W.e.b. Du Bois
Strange Death of Europe (The) by Douglas Murray
Varieties of Religious Experience (The) by William James
Thou Shalt Have No Other Gods Before Me by Gottfried Wagner
Through the Looking Glass and What Alice Found There by Lewis Carroll
Ties that Bind by Sarah Schulman
Toscanini: Musician of Conscience by Harvey Sachs
Twilight of the Wagners: The Unraveling of a Family Legacy by Gottfried Wagner
Under the Rainbow by Arnie Kantrowitz
Understanding Toscanini by Joseph Horowitz
Undertones of Insurrection by Marc a. Weiner
Verdi by Franz Werfel
Wagner Nights by Joseph Horowitz
Wagner: Race and Revolution by Paul Lawrence Rose
Wagner: The Man, His Mind, and His Music by Robert Gutman
Wagnerism by Alex Ross
Waltzing with the Enemy by Rasia Kliot and Helen Mitsios
War and Peace by Leo Tostoy
We Must Love One Another or Die: The Life and Legacies of Larry Kramer, Edited by Lawrence D. Mass
You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay
Filmography (films referenced with title and director)
Age of AIDS, PBS
Age of Consent, Film by Charles Lum and Todd Verow
Basquiat, Julian Schnabel
Behind the Candelabra, Steven Soderbergh
Belle, Amma Asante
Burnt, John Wells
Carol, Todd Haynes
Common Threads, Rob Epstein, Jeffrey Friedman
Company You Keep, The by Robert Redford
Cruising, William Friedkin
Day the Clown Cried, The by Jerry Lewis
Dressed to Kill, Brian De Palma
Driving Miss Daisy, Bruce Beresford
Far from Heaven, Todd Haynes
Girl Can’t Help It, The by Frank Tashlin
Gone with the Wind, Victor Fleming
Hitler: A Film from Germany, Hans-Jürgen Syberberg
Hitler’s Hollywood: Rüdiger Suchsland
Labyrinth of Lies, Giulio Ricciarelli
Larry Kramer in Love and Anger, Jean Carlomusto
Lisztomania, Ken Russell
Lives of Others, The by Henckel Von Donnersmarck
Lost Horizon, Charles Jarrott
Mahler, Ken Russell
Man Who Knew Too Much, The by Alfred Hitchcock
Milton Babbitt: Portrait of a Serial Composer, Robert Hilferty
Music Lovers, The by Ken Russell
Neon Woman, The by Tom Eyen and Ron Link
Never Look Away, Henckel Von Donnersmarck
Normal Heart, The by Ryan Murphy
Opera Divas, Opera Queens, Rosa Von Praunheim
Pete Kelly’s Blues, Jack Webb
Reichsorchester, Enrique Sánchez Lansch
Salome’s Last Dance, Ken Russell
Seven Year Itch, The by Billy Wilder
Shoah, Claude Lanzmann
Stop the Church, Act up, Robert Hilferty
Tangerine, Sean Baker
Tough Love (Härte), Rosa Von Praunheim
Trainspotting 1 and 2, Danny Boyle
When Love Is Not Enough, John Kent Harrison
Names and Subjects
The following list is not comprehensive. Names and subjects can be searched in the eBook edition via the options menu.
“Fairies’ Basketball”
“Killer Virus” Theory
“Musical Closets”
“Race Degeneré”
“The Lulu Rag”
“Tiepolo’s Dispassion”
60 Minutes
Abraham, Paul
Act up
Adams, John
Adorno, Theodor
Age of AIDS, The - PBS Documentary
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud
AIDS Denialism
Al Carmines
Albanese, Licia
Aldridge, Luranah
Alexander, Shana
Altman, Lawrence K.
Amadeus, the film
American Presidents
American Psychiatric Association
American Psychiatric Association, The
Anderson, Laurie
Anderson, Marion
Andersson, Amy
Angelos, James
Anthony, Susan B.
Archangel Piano Concerto
Ardoin, John
Arenas, Reinaldo
Arendt, Hannah
Armenian Genocide
Arnold, David
Art Parks
Arvin, Newton
Auden, W.h.
Azrael, Mary
Bacon, Francis
Banbury, Anthony
Barber of Seville, The
Bard College
Barenboim, Daniel
Basquiat, the film
Bayreuth Festival
Beardsley, Aubrey
Beaumarchais, Pierre
Bechtel, Allison
Beck, Steven
Behind the Candelabra, Film About Liberace
Bel Canto
Beliavsky, Daniel
Belle, the Movie
Berg, Alban
Berger, Erna
Berkowitz, Richard
Bernheimer, Martin
Bernstein, Leonard
Berthold, Charlotte
Bettelheim, Bruno
Bidart, Frank
Big Pharma
Billy Elliot, the Musical
Bin Laden, Osama
Black Alberich
Black Lives Matter
Black, Dustin Lance
Blech, Leo
Boch, Richard
Bockris, Victor
Böhm, Karl
Boston Phoenix
Botstein, Leon
Boulez, Pierre
Bowie, David
Boyer, Peter
Boyle, Danny
Bradley, Joel
Braunau Am Inn
Breitbart News
Brodkey, Harold
Brody, Richard
Buckley, William F.
Bukowski, Charles
Bulmash, Dr. Jack
Bumbry, Grace
Burnt, the film
Burr, Aaron
Burroughs, William
Burton, Richard
Bush, George W.
Café Le Monde
Caldwell, Sarah
Califano, Michael
Callas, Maria
Callen, Michael
Capriccio, the Opera
Carlomusto, Jean
Carnegie Hall
Carol, the film
Caroline or Change
Carreras, Jose
Carroll, Lewis
Carson, Ben
Casa Valentina
Castelli, Leo
Castelnuovo-tedesco, Mario
Cather, Willa
Cavendish, John Claude
Celan, Paul
Chamberlain, Houston Stewart
Chan, Dr. Margaret
Chekov, Anton
Chesler, Phyllis
Christopher Street Magazine
Clemens, Samuel
Clinton, Chelsea
Cocaine Anonymous
Cocteau, Jean
Cohen, Sasha Baron
Cohn, Roy
Common Threads, the Documentary Film
Company You Keep, The
Cook, Robin
Cooper, Bradley
Cooper, Michael
Corelli, Franco
Corigliano, John
Cornbury: The Queen’s Governor
Cothran, Tom
Count Phillip Von Eulenberg
Crespin, Regine
Crimes Against Humanity
Crimp, Douglas
Cruising, the film
D’annunzio, Gabriele
D’eramo, James
Damrau, Diana
Daniel and Judith Walkowitz
Das Knaben Wunderhorn
Davis, Brad
Davis, Kim
Davis, Michael Philip
Davis, Peter G.
Day the Clown Died, The
Day, Doris
De Los Angeles, Victoria
De Palma, Brian
Degas, Edgar
Del Tredici, David
Denby, David
Deutsche Welle
Diagheliv, Sergei
Didonato, Joyce
Dieterich, Dr. Douglas
Dietrich, Marlene
Dirtiest Show in Town, The
Dore, Gustave
Douglas, Michael
Douglass, Frederick
Joyce Wallace
Martin Luther King Jr
Samuel Mudd
Dressed to Kill, the film
Driving Miss Daisy, the film
Duberman, Martin
Duesberg, Peter
Dugas, Gaetan
Duka, John
Dulles, John Foster
Duncan, Isadora
Dworkin, Andrea
Dyer, Richard
Egli, Willi
Eichelberger, Ethyl
Eigo, Jim
Eliot, George
Eliot, T.s.
Ellis Island
Ellis Island Museum
Ellis Island: The Dream of America
Emerson String Quartet
Emmerich, Roland
Eno, Brian
Entartete Kunst
Entartete Musik
Epstein, Matthew
Everly Brothers
Faggot, The
Fanfare for the Common Man
Fanlo, Isaias
Far from Heaven, the film
Farrell, Eileen
Fassbinder, Rainer Werner
Fauci, Anthony
Fay, Francis
Feola, Maryann
Fiahlo, Alex
Fiedler, Arthur
Fierstein, Harvey
Figaro Cycle
Final Alice
Fischer-dieskau, Dietrich
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Flagstad, Kirsten
Fleming, Renee
Fliess, Wilhelm
Forman, Milos
Foshee, Jim
Fouratt, Jim
Fox News
France, David
Frank, Leo
Frankenstein: The Movie Opera
Freeman, Dr. Melissa
French Revolution, The
Fuller, Randy
Funny Girl
Gallo, Robert
Game of Thrones
Garland, Judy
Garrett, Laurie
Gaudi, Antoni
Gay and Lesbian Review
Gay City News
Gay Community News
Gay Men’s Chorus
Gaza Strip
Gelb, Arthur
Gelb, Peter
Gelbert, Bruce-michael
Geldzahler, Henry
Gergiev, Valery
German Quarterly, The
Ghandi, Mohandas
Gielgud, John
Girard, Francois
Girl Can’t Help It, The
Giuliani, Rudolf
Giuliani, Rudolph
Glass, Philip
GMHC Founders Day
Golden, Frances
Goldin, Nan
Goldman, Daniel
Goldstein, Bill
Gone with the Wind, the film
Goodman, Alice
Gramm, Donald
Great War, The
Grey, Thomas
Gruberova, Edita
Gruen, Arno
Grumbach, Doris
Güden, Hilde
Guilty Mother, The
Gutman, Robert
Hamer, Janice
Hamilton, Alexander
Hamilton, Ralph
Hannah Arendt, the film
Hans Kahltzwerg
Hanslick, Eduard
Harriman, Averill
Harris, Clement
Harris, Dale
Harrison, Lou
Haynes, Todd
Headless Horseman
Heine, Heinrich
Helen Mitsios
Heller, Caroline
Heller, Erich
Helms, Jesse
Hemingway, Ernest
Hemmings, Sally
Hendricks, Barbara
Hepatitis C
Herskovits, Melville
Herzl, Theodore
Hilferty, Robert
Hill, Geoffrey
Hirschfeld, Magnus
Hirsi Ali, Ayaan
Hitler, Adolf
Hitler’s Hollywood: From Caligari to Hitler, the film
Hoelterhoff, Manuela
Hoffman, William M.
Holleran, Andrew
Holmes, Madelyn
Horne, Marilyn
Hotter, Hans
Huckabee, Mike
Hungarian State Opera
Hunter, Ross
Idle Hour Golf and Country Club
Immigration Reform Act, The
Inheritance, the Play, The
Islamic Jihad
Ivanov, the Play
J.r. Ackerly
Jack Kerouac
Jack the Ripper
Jagger, Bianca
James, Carolyn
Jayne Mansfield
Jean Cocteau
Jefferson, Thomas
Jenkins, Florence Foster
Jenner, Caitlyn
John Wilkes Booth
John, Elton
Johns, Jasper
Johnson, Marcia
Jones, Bradley
Journal of the Music Critics Association of North America
Joyce, James
Judaism in Music
Judell, Brandon
Judgment at Nuremberg, the film
Jung, Carl
Kael, Pauline
Kaiser Wilhelm Ii
Kantrowitz, Arnold
Kantrowitz, Arnold/arnie
Kantrowitz, Barry
Kaplan, Myron
Karazas, Andrew
Katz, Jonathan Ned
Katz’s Deli
Kaufman, Marian
Kellogg, Harvey
Kellow, Brian
Kessler, Harry
Kiefer, Anselm
Kier, Udo
King, James
King, Jr., Martin Luther
Kinky Boots
Kipnis, Alexander
Kirschenbaum, Lois
Kissinger, Henry
Kitsch, Taylor
Klemperer, Otto
Klinghoffer, Lisa
Klinghoffer, Marilyn
Kmentt, Waldemar
Knappertsbusch, Hans
Koch, Ed
Koch, Sophie
Koestenbaum, Wayne
Kohut, Heinz
Kollo, Rene
Kosky, Barrie
Kramer, Arthur
Kramer, Larry
Krause, Tilman
Kraut, Professor Alan
Krim, Mathilde
Kristof, Nicholas
Kurtzman, Neil
Kushner, Tony
La Gran Scena
Labyrinth of Lies. the film
Lace Paper Valentine, A
Lady Liberty
Lanier, Sidney
Lanzmann, Claude
Larry Kramer in Love and Anger, Documentary Film
Lazarus, Emma
Lebendige Vergangenheit
Lebetkin, Steven
Lebrecht, Norman
Lee, Brenda
Lee, Robert E.
Lehmann, Lili
Lehmann, Lotte
Lehrer, Tom
Leicht, Allan
Leider, Frida
Leigh, Vivien
Leitmotif (leitmotivic)
Lemke-matwey, Christine
Lemnitz, Tiana
Lepage, Robert
Les Enfants Terribles
Levi, Hermann
Levi, Primo
Levine, James
Lewis, Congressman John
Lewis, Jerry
Lewis, Jerry Lee
Liebestod, the Opera
Limbaugh, Rush
Lincoln, Abraham
Ling, Lisa
Lisbon Traviata, The
Lisztomania, the film
Little Moscow
Little Richard
Lives of Others, The
London, George
Lorenz, Max
Lost Horizon
Lost Horizon, the film by Larry Kramer
Ludlum, Charles
Ludwig, the film
Macon Telegraph
Macon, Georgia
Madoff, Bernie
Maestro, the Play
Maggiore, Christine
Maher, Bill
Mahler, Gustav
Mahler, the film
Mailman, Bruce
Mainardi, Ada
Man Who Knew Too Much, The
Mandela, Nelson
Manigault, Omarosa
Mann, Heinrich
Mann, Thomas
Manrique, Jaime
Mantello, Joe
Mapplethorpe, Robert
Marcus, Mickey
Marlton Arms Hotel
Marriage of Figaro, The
Marx, Karl
Master Class
Mattes, Jedd
Maugham, Somorset
Mcfarlane, Rodger
Mcgreevey, James
Mckellan, Ian
Mcnally, Terrence
Mcnamara, Peter
Measure for Measure
Mein Kampf
Meir, Golda
Melchior, Lauritz
Mencken, H.l.
Mercer College
Mercer, Mabel
Merchant of Venice, The
Merkel, Angela
Merman, Ethel
Methadone Maintenance
Metropolitan Opera, The
Meyerbeer, Giacomo
Midler, Bette
Miller, Henry
Millett, Kate
Millington, Barry
Milton Babbit: Portrait of a Serial Composer, the film
Moffo, Anna
Monstres Scarés
Montezuma, Magdalena
Morning Star
Mount Sinai Hospital
Mozart and Salieri by Alexander Pushkin
Müller, Heiner
Murphy, Ryan
Murthy, Dr. Vivek
Music Lovers, The
My Parsifal Conductor, the Play
Napoleon Club, The
Nazi Art
Nazi Doctors
Neon Woman, The
Netrebko, Anna
Neumann, Angelo
Never Look Away, the film
New York Jewish Week
New York Native
New York Native Newspaper, The
New York Post
Newsletter of the Gay Caucus of Members of the American Psychiatric Association
Nietzsche, Friedrich
Night of the Long Knives
Nilsson, Birgit
Noble, Ron
Nordica, Lilian
Normal Heart, The (Play and Film)
Nuremberg Laws
Nureyev, Rudolf
Nypl (new York Public Library)
O’brien, Debbie
Obama, Barak
Oliver Twist
Olivero, Magda
One Magazine
Opera Divas, Opera Queens, the film
Opera News
Opera Sweet
Orban, Viktor
Orchestra Moderne Nyc
Orpheus Descending
Orr, David
Ortleb, Charles
Orton, Joe
Osborne, Conrad L.
Othello’s Daughter
Owens, Eric
Owles, Jim
Page, Tim
Passion Play
Passolini, Pier Paolo
Patient Zero
Patrick, Robert
Patterson, David
Pearson, Mark
Pence, Mike
People with Aids Coalition
Pére Lachaise
Perle, George
Pete Kelly’s Blues, the film
Peters, Roberta
Petzold, Christian
Pfitzner, Hans
Pharmaceutical Industry
Phoenix, the film
Picasso, Pablo
Pillard, Dr. Richard
Pinkham, Daniel
Pinkham, Lydia
Pipolo, Tony
Plague, Inc
Pollack, Jackson
Pope Francis
Popham, Paul
Porter, Andrew
Porter, Billy
Potter, Dr. Maxwell G.
Presley, Elvis
Prey, Hermann
Price, Leontyne
Protocols of the Elders of Zion
Psychoanalytic Theory
Punks, Poets, Provacateurs: New York City Bad Boys 1978-1982
Putin, Vladimir
Queer Nation
Ranisch, Axel
Rasia Kliot
Rathenau, Walther
Rauschenberg, Robert
Reagan, Nancy
Reagan, Ron Jr.
Reagan, Ronald
Reagans, The
Reed, Lou
Reichsorchester, the film
Reimann, Albert
Renoir, Pierre-auguste
Resnick, Marcia
Resnik, Regina
Rethberg, Elisabeth
Ricciarelli, Giulio
Ricciarelli, Katia
Rich, Alan
Richards, Keith
Richter, Gerhard
Riefenstahl, Leni
Rieger, Eva
Rindfleisch Massacres
Ritmanis, Lolita
Robbins, Cynthia
Rockwell, John
Röhm, Ernst
Roller Coster
Rorem, Ned
Rose, Paul Lawrence
Rosenthal, Abe
Rosh Hashonah
Ross, Alex
Roswänge, Helge
Rotello, Gabriel
Roth Pierpont, Claudia
Rubell, Steve
Rubin, Steven
Ruffino, Marguerite
Russel, Ken
Russo, Vito
Rysanek, Leonie
Sachs, Harvey
Sackler Family, The
Saenz, Manuela
Said, Edward
Saint, Assoto
Salome’s Last Dance, the film
Sammy’s Rumanian Steak House
San Francisco Aids Foundation
Sánchez Lansch, Enrique
Sarfatti, Margherita Grassini
Sarsour, Linda
Schiavi, Michael
Schneider, Richard
Schoenberg, Arnold
Schoenberg, E.r.
Schöffler, Paul
Schopenhauer, Arthur
Schorr, Friedrich
Schulman, Sarah
Schulz, Eric
Schumann-heink, Ernestine
Schwartz, Lloyd
Schwarz, Dietmar
Schwarzkopf, Elisabeth
SDS (students for a Democratic Society)
Secret Music
Seeband, Carl
Sellars, Peter
Sex Culture
Shaffer, Peter
Sharon, Yuval
Shaw, George Bernard
Shepard, Matthew
Shepard, Mike
Shirley, George
Shoah, the film
Shreker, Franz
Siff, Ira
Silence = Death
Silja, Anja
Sills, Beverly
Sister Blue Buffalo
Sloterdijk, Peter
Smith, Patti
Social Constructionism
Solti, Georg
Sonnabend, Dr. Joseph
Sontag, Susan
St Mark’s Baths, The
Staley, Peter
Stanton, Elizabeth Cady
Starker, Janos
Steele, Robert C.
Steele, Tom
Stein, Peter
Steinberg, Michael
Stoltenberg, John
Stop the Church, Doc Film
Strauss, Richard
Strauss, Sissy
Stray Dog Story
Strebing, Mary
Street Cries/to Richard Wagner
Streisand, Barbra
Studio 54
Suchsland, Rutiger
Sullivan, Bill
Sullivan, Louis B.
Sutherland, Joan
Syberberg, Hans-jürgen
Tangerine, the film
Taruskin, Richard
Taylor, Elizabeth
Tchaikovsky, Peter Ilyitch
Team Trump
Temple Sherah Israel
Thielemann, Christian
Thomas, Clarence
Thomas, Jess
Thomas, Michael Tilson
Thomas, Russell
Tiebout, Dr. Harry
Tietjen, Heinz
Tolins, Jonathan
Tolstoy, Leo
Tomchin, Joy
Tommasini, Anthony
Toscanini, Arturo
Tough Love (härte), the film
Trainspotting 1 and 2, the films
Traubel, Helen
Treptow, Gunther
Triangle Factory Fire
Trillin, Calvin
Trump, Donald
Truth, Sojourner
Twilight of the Golds, The
Ullmann, Viktor
Unser Hitler, the film
Vaget, Hans Rudolf
Vanity Fair
Varnay, Astrid
Vickers, Jon
Vidal, Gore
Visconti, Luchino
Visual Aids
Voigt, Deborah
Von Donnersmarck, Florian Henckel
Von Hofmannsthal, Hugo
Von Karajan, Herbert
Von Meck, Madam
Von Praunheim, Rosa
Vonderleft, Petrus
Wagner Societies
Wagner, Nathalie
Wagner’s Body
Wagner’s Jews, the film
Wainright, Rufus
Wallace, Dr. Joyce
Walter, Bruno
Wandering Jew, The
War Crimes Tribunals
Warshaw, Hilan
Washington National Cathedral
Washington, George
Weathermen Underground Organization
Weiner, Bobbie West
Weisbrodt, Jörn
Weisstein, Naomi
Welitsch, Ljuba
Weslyan College
Westerly, Rhode Island
Wharton, Edith
White, Edmund
Wieland, Karen
Wiesenfeld, Jeffrey
Wild, Hubert
Wilde, Oscar
Wilson, Bill
Wilson, Lois
Windgassen, Wolfgang
Wischmann, Claus
Wolf, Eve
Wolfe, Maxine
Women’s Rights Pioneer Monument, The
Wong, Anna Mae
Wong, Momo
Woolcock, Penny
Woolf, Virginia and Leonard
Woolfe, Zachary
World Aids Museum
Wynn, Ralph
Yiannapoulos, Milo
Yohalem, John
Yolles, Dr. Stanley
Yolles, Melanie
Zadek, Hilde
Zappa, Frank
Zeffirelli, Franco
Zelinsky, Hartmut
Zweig, Stefan
Lawrence D. Mass - Author/Activist - Official Website
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